

The Early Childhood Development Program

About Us

Udbhav is an early childhood development program that aims to bring access to high quality early childhood development to all children in India. We do this by working directly with the ICDS department by building capacity on ground through training, monitoring and evaluation.



All the children in India will have access to high quality early childhood development program



Build capacity and change mindset on ground through training, awareness creation and consistent monitoring and evaluation.



Influencing System Leaders & Academic Processes in Public Primary School Sysyems & in ICDS Anganwadis at a block, district and State level for sustainable reform.

Strengthening role of caregivers, AWWs and School Teachers through capacity building, program design and action-research & labs – across FLN spectrum.

Providing high quality teaching – learning materials, technical & evaluative expertise for organisations, schools and individual in increasing access to learning.

Our Approch

  • High-quality ECCE/ECD is crucial for the optimal development and school readiness of the children and remains the only avenue to combat the early onset of social disadvantage and exclusion in our country.


  • We provide technical support in this field of early childhood education through the capacity building of AWW’s, system leaders and classroom interventions to strengthen activity based experiential learning in AWC’s.
Udbhav Approach
Udbhav Training Parent Representatives

Parent Engagement Program

Our parent engagement program leverages the power of community mobilization to build awareness and drive change in the families of our children. We do this by employing parent representatives from the community that work closely with the program team to ensure that each family has access to learning spaces and contextualized support.

4 Steps of Change




Creating Champions


Immersive Learning


Making Change Visible

Parent Engagement Program Timeline


0-6 Months

Training the parent coordinator.

Parent coordinator will take sessions in Model AWCs focused on awareness (integrate them with sajak and other awareness programs of CLR).

The focus at this time is on large group awareness building through workshops, whatsapp messages, print materials

Creating Champions

6-12 months

Selecting parent representatives from the communities, these will be the parents that were consistent in the first 6 months and showed maximum potential to change.

Training parent representatives and assigning them their support cluster.

During this time the parent representatives work closely with the parent coordinator to facilitate spaces across model AWCs.


Year 2

Parent representatives work in small groups to facilitate spaces.

Parent coordinator supports the program team to create immersive experiences for parents in small groups.

More focused and contextualized support for the families.

Making Change Visible

End of Program

End of program celebration showcasing the various quantitative and qualitative change that have happened through a day-long event.

Our Impact

10,000+ Children Reached

500+ Anganwadi Centers Impacted

Presence in 2 Districts